Gift Shopping – Trinkets and other Alaska Made Items
The Tourist Trap and the Slacktide Gallery are great places to stop for locally made items that make perfect gifts for all ages (kids to grown adults to family members in the lower 48). Both of these stores are open year round for your shopping enjoyment.
If you’re feeling a bit chilly or down with the winter blues, check out the Tourist Trap’s tanning bed while you do some light shopping!
Follow Slack Tide Gallery’s Facebook page for updates on their rotating inventory and special events!
Outdoor Gear & Equipment
Powderhound Ski Shop is THE PLACE to go for all our outdoor needs (summer or winter). In 2017, they moved into a larger space allowing them to have the BIGGEST selection in one spot of outdoor gear in Girdwood.
During the winter their walls are lined with helmets, boots (ski & snowboard), bindings, snowboards, skis, and jackets. They also have every shape and size mitten, glove, goggle and you name it winter item. In the summer they trade out the winter items for downhill and trail biking gear. Plus, they offer SUP rentals!
The best part of shopping at Powderhound is the staff. They are full of advice on what to buy and how to use it.
Check out Powder Hound’s instagram feed for all the photos your need to get stoked about the season!
BEST Deals!
Thriftwood Co-OP is definitely the place to find the BEST DEALS in Girdwood. They have a wide selection of new and gently used items. Enter Thriftwood and exit with an unexpected treasure! Thriftwood has everything you might need from tools to ski gear to spices to a good movie to watch.
Checkout Thriftwood for the best deals in Girdwood!
If you haven’t yet, you also need to follow Thriftwood on Facebook. They make the best videos!
Outdoor Clothing
Glacier Gift & Gallery offers a selection of high-end clothing that will fit into any fashionista’s wardrobe! Looking for something stylish, head their way!
Alyeska Mountain Sports is another great clothing store located in Hotel Alyeska offering a wide range of outdoor clothing and equipment (note though this isn’t exactly REI – the selection is simi-limited).
Their sister shop, Max’s Mountain Shop, is conveniently located inside the Daylodge for all those “oops I FORGOT [fill in the blank] at HOME!” Their selection is limited but will prevent a forgotten item from ruining your day (if they don’t have what you need, check out Powderhound Ski Shop 100 yards away).
Glacier Gift & Gallery
Alyeska Mountain Sports